Nattie up North, which was just the name of my personal Instagram handle, started to become a “thing” in 2018 when the digital content I was making for fun began to grow a following. I soon realized that, while it was unplanned, I now had a platform. I vowed to do with it work I believe in.
Today I live in Finland with my husband and his three awesome kiddos. I’m enjoying my journey & am humbled to say I’ve never felt more fulfilled, empowered, resilient & just plain happy. Tools I’ve used along the way include: centering on purpose, faith, community, outdoor adventure, solo travel, service, entrepreneurship, self-care, chasing fears, and slowing down to enjoy all the little, beautiful & delicious parts of life. *I’m passionate about helping others do the same.*
So, what do I do?!
While I wear many hats, each is just a different angle at the work I love: supporting people along their journey to live better lives.
In addition to running my digital platforms, I’m a Host & Producer on the television show Due North Outdoors, as well as a Master-Certified Professional Life Coach (MCPC) focusing in: purpose & direction, health & wellness, habits, relationships & communication, and faith-based coaching. I’m a certified yoga & prenatal yoga instructor, and a fitness instructor in training. I also write for publication, lead seminars & appear on various podcasts + shows.
How I got here:
I’ve worked as a Writer & Editor at a women’s lifestyle magazine, in Media Relations for the Minnesota Wild (NHL), and in the corporate world in Human Resources & Project Management. More recently, I was a member of Major League Fishing’s on-screen talent, and I produced, directed & hosted the series “Covering Water.” I have bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and English and have acquired various certifications in coaching and holistic health & wellness.
And finally, some fun facts…
I can recite lines from the Lord of the Rings in Elvish. Yes, I took heat for this in Junior High. No, it did not stop me.
I have approximately 40 scars on my heart - literally! I was diagnosed with a heart condition in high school and again in adulthood, but after undergoing an amazing medical procedure for the second time, I am now fully healed.
I’ve always been a lover of quality food. But my ability put down meals also earned me the unfortunate nickname “disposal” in college.
I was terrified of public speaking for years! It wasn’t until completing formal training & doing it professionally that I finally got comfortable with it.
When I start giggling, I can’t stop. I’ve been known to have uncontrollable, teary laugh-attacks everywhere from school, to the dinner table, to the quiet pews of church.
Favorite Self-Care: Prayer, Exercise, Fresh Air, Gratitude, Resilience Techniques like Cold Exposure, Community & Good Sleep!
Favorite Nature Destinations: North Shore of Lake Superior, Alaska, Peru, Iceland & Southern Florida.
Something I’m terrible at: Directions! I can get lost anywhere. It’s bad.