6 Ways I Use Essential Oils Daily

Some people swear by them, others roll their eyes at them. Me? I just like ‘em and want to share why & how with you.


Oh, essential oils. I hesitated to make this my first “Healthful” blog post because I know they can seem a little hokey, but the fact of the matter is I delight in using essential oils essentially every day. They add real value into my life & can do the same for you!

Let me be very clear: I don’t think essential oils are miracle cure-alls like some people like to claim, but they’re an easy, natural and even luxurious-feeling way to give yourself or your surroundings a lift. Need mood-boosting? Pain relief? Skincare & more? There are tons of ways these powerful little oils can help you out.


I first got introduced to essential oils a couple decades ago back in middle school when my mom began putting Lavender essential oil on my pillow to help me sleep at night. Next she’d bring home Tee Tree essential oil to prevent foot odor. (Yeah, I said it. I was that cute little kid with inexplicably stinky feet.)

By the time I was in my early twenties I was hooked on them, and I’ve been using various oils almost daily for nearly a decade. The uses for essential oils are countless, but I hope you find some inspiration from the few ideas I outline below.


What’s an Essential Oil anyway? A highly concentrated liquid containing the chemical compounds of plants. Generally, they are extracted by distillation or expression from their plant source.

A Note on Brands: You might notice in my photos, I’m not partial to any one brand. Some I own: NOW, Mountain Rose Herbs, Aura Cacia, Young Living and doTerra. Thing is, the industry is not highly regulated, so it seems like every brand out their claims to be the most pure, most natural, most powerful, etc. (Yeah…ok.) And, the prices very widely. I encourage you to do some of your own digging and research to find what you like best, but I’ll give you a brief summary of where I stand: For oils that I’m using less close to my body and/or less frequently (diffusing, bug-spray, etc.), I’m cool going with a more cost-effective “grocery store” brand. For oils that I use regularly or put directly on my skin, I generally opt for one of the higher-end brands. Just make sure you’re not wasting your money on anything with synthetic fillers.

Precautions: Essential oils are generally safe, but they can cause irritation, allergic reactions or other side effects. Always keep essential oils away from your eyes, and don’t ingest. If you’re using an oil topically for the first time, do a spot test and/or dilute in a carrier oil. Lots of tutorials online on how to do that. Before using them at all, I recommend you do further safety research and speak with a medical professional about your own specific needs and risks.



1. Diffusing & Aromatherapy 

One of the best ways to improve your surroundings (and your mood!) is through scent. And essential oils are better smelling and healthier than, say, some synthetic candle. Diffuse essential oils with a powered diffuser, or my favorite: a ceramic diffuser with a candle.  Go for your favorite on its own, or try one of these blend ideas:

  • Lavender (5 drops) + Orange (5 drops): My go-to combo! Calming & energizing. Earthy, floral and a little sweet. Great for mornings.

  • Lavender (4 drops) + Clary Sage (2 drops) + Ylang Ylang (2 drops) + Roman Chamomile (2 drops): Calming & soothing. Perfect for stress-relief or before bed.

  • Peppermint (4 drops) + Lemon (3 drops) + Rosemary (2 drops): Energizing & uplifting. Boosting for work or study.

  • Peppermint (2 drops) + Eucalyptus (2 drops) + Lemon (2 drops) + Cinnamon (1 drop) + Clove (1 drop): Comforting & soothing. Helpful for headaches or while you are sick.

  • Lemon (4 drops) + Lime (2 drops) + Tee Tree (2 drops): Brightening & fresh. For that just-cleaned feel.

2. Pain & Injury Relief

Game changer! In my experience, there is no better tool for immediate pain relief than the right essential oils applied directly to your skin (or diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil if you have sensitive skin).

My favorites:

Peppermint: I use this any time I have a headache (applied to my neck) or muscle soreness or stiffness (applied to the sore area). It creates a cooling sensation and is a great topical pain reliever. Plus, because peppermint can actually increase blood flow to the area applied, it may actually support healing for things like strains, soreness, inflammation, stiff joints & more.

Lavender: Lavender has been shown to have soothing properties and is great for ailments like stress-related headaches. Similar to peppermint, you can apply lavender to your neck or any other sore part of your body for some immediate relief.

My ultimate favorite? Mixing peppermint & lavender at the same time. It’s also a great pre-bedtime massage.


3. Skincare  

Back in 2015 I began hand-making natural skincare products using herb infusions, natural base oils and essential oils. Needless to say, this is a bit of a passion of mine, and I could probably ramble forever. That said, I’ll keep it brief.

Got a pimple? Try a drop of Tee Tree applied with a cue tip. Its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a great spot treatment and it works well for me. Know that it can also be quite drying.

Rose Hip oil contains antioxidants like A and C vitamins that make it helpful for skin appearance and youthfulness.

Irritated skin or a mild burn? Try Lavender. It’s soothing, hydrating, and even has antibacterial properties.

Geranium oil is one of the most popular oils for skincare. It’s rich in antioxidants and is often used for tightening and brightening skin.

Argan oil. I’m cheating here as this isn’t really an essential oil, but I use Afyashbio Argan Oil (check them out at the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market!) on my face every morning in place of a moisturizer. It’s full of fatty acids and can help skin retain water at cellular level, plus it gives you a healthful, dewy glow.

4. Digestive Support

Another life-changer right here. Did you know essential oils can be used for your gut too? Stomach ache? Bloating? Constipation? Try a couple drops of one of these applied to your tummy with a carrier oil.

Peppermint: My go-to. Anti-inflammatory and cooling, this can help relieve things like tummy aches, bloating and even nausea.

Ginger: Long-known for its digestive prowess, ginger is great for reducing nausea and has been shown to alleviate constipation too.

Fennel & Anise: Great digestive stimulants and can help relieve bloated bellies.

Tip: doTerra makes a great blend called DigestZen.


5. Natural Insect Repellent

Perfect for outdoorsmen & women like me who want to stay clear of pesky summer insects without all the chemicals of standard bug sprays. I purchase a 2-oz glass spray bottle (grocery store, Amazon, etc.) and create the following mix (measurements can be approximate):

  • 1 oz distilled water

  • 1 oz natural Witch Hazel

  • 8 Drops Lavender

  • 8 Drops Citronella

  • 5 Drops Lemon

  • 5 Drops Clove

6. Personal Fragrance  

Call me a hippie, but I have not purchased a department-store perfume in years. No matter which I’ve tried, store-bought perfumes always seem to bug me after a while – sometimes I just get sick of them halfway through the insanely-expensive bottle, other times they remind me too much of someone else, and sometimes they actually cause headaches by day’s end (even the “good” brands!). So, I transitioned to essential oils and haven’t looked back. Apply directly, blend in a glass roller with a carrier oil, or blend in a glass spray bottle with water and witch hazel (I don’t recommend spraying onto clothing). It takes some practice and tinkering, but it’s worth it.

Some of my favorites to mix-and-match or use on their own:

  • Lavender (you guessed it by now…)

  • Jasmine

  • Gardenia

  • Magnolia

  • Sweet Orange

  • Cedarwood

What do you think?! Let me know in the comments below.